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Easy way to add Calculated Field

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An Additional Application for Bricks Builder Form

Piotnet Calculated Field function provides the ability to build powerful calculations for default Bricks Builder Forms. This field can dynamize values from the form fields to calculate your custom formulas.

For example, you can create forms with complex invoices, calculate product prices, and do financial calculations.

Demonstration to check capable of the calculated field

Bricks Builder Form + Calculated fields

Order Form

Detailed Tutorials

Create your own Bricks Form as in the illustration below.

calculated field with piotnet bricks addons illustration 1

The details of 3 Number Fields

calculated field with piotnet bricks addons illustration 2
calculated field with piotnet bricks addons illustration 4

Create a Total Field with the Text Type.

Enable Calculated Field function and fill out your custom calculation formulas.

You can manually embed the Field IDs or apply the suggestion field when clicking on the Calculation Box.

calculated field with piotnet bricks addons illustration 5
calculated field with piotnet bricks addons illustration 6

Results in the front-end

calculated field with piotnet bricks addons illustration 7

More information

To customize the Typography of the Calculated field result.

Edit Bricks Form > Content Tab > Scroll down to Calculated Field > Configure the Typography

Related Features


To diversify a form, you can refer to Piotnet Forms. It possibly fulfills your advanced and complicated setup requirements for building a form.

For instance: Apply Payment methods, multiple Marketing and other platform integrations, etc.